Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day
Sept. 6, 2024

Discover the Secret to KEEPING Yourself in God's Love! Jude 1:20-21

Discover the Secret to KEEPING Yourself in God's Love! Jude 1:20-21

We get saved by believing in Jesus,

but we get free by believing like Jesus.”

Steve Backlund

00:00 Our worldview – hundreds of decisions each day

0:52 Biblical Worldview

1:51 American Adults Have Rejected a Biblical Worldview

3:01 Keep Yourself in the Love of God

6:56 7 Cornerstone Beliefs of an Unshakeable Christian Worldview

10:53 Activation

Introduction :  Our Worldview determines the hundreds of decisions we make each day. It determines the direction of our lives. Without a core set of beliefs, a worldview, we would stumble over every decision.

Worldview is a lens through which we see the world. Through our experiences and influences of others around us (family, school, work, culture, media, social media, etc) we create a framework of core beliefs which become a mental, spiritual, and emotional filter through which we make choices. This filter determines what we believe is true, important, and appropriate. 

Every decision we make goes through that filter. What we believe determines what we will do.

A Biblical Worldview.

A Biblical worldview is simply to think like Jesus. Thinking like Jesus will set you free to live like Jesus.   Hebrews 4:2 AMP
Problem:  Dr, George Barna ,The American Worldview Inventory 2024 reveals that American adults, including many in the church, have rejected a Biblical Worldview and have created their own ideas of what is true, important, and appropriate. 

66% of American adults self-identified as Christians. But only 6% had a Biblical Worldview. 

Psalm 11:3 AMP

“If the foundations [of a godly society] are destroyed, What can the righteous do?”

What can we do to make sure we don’t fall victim to false beliefs that look and sound good? What can we do to believe like Jesus and live a godly life when we’re bombarded by so many conflicting ideas? When we’re pressured to go along?

Keep Yourself in the Love of God

Jude 1:20-21 

by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love ...

We stay under the love, the protection and care of God by staying within the walls of protections he has created for us. The principles of the Word of God are the walls of protection that protect us, that give us life and defeat the schemes and destroy the works of the devil.

We " keep ourselves in the love of God" by

*Pray as led and empowered by the Holy Spirit and 

*We build ourselves up in "our most holy faith." We believe what God says, and nothing else. His Word is truth. Everything in conflict with it is NOT TRUE. It doesn't matter what we think. It doesn't matter what we want or how we feel. 

Dr. Barna’s 2024 Research 

He found 7 cornerstone beliefs that were accurate indicators of a Biblical worldview.  83% (4/5) people who had a Biblical Worldview believed all 7 of these beliefs. Only 2% of people who rejected 1 or more of these 7 cornerstone beliefs had a Biblical Worldview. (American Worldview Inventory 2024)

The 7 foundational beliefs below are a starting place for us. They are a simple, yet powerful way to build your life on the solid foundation of God’s Word. They and 7 simple beliefs to teach our children and new believers. To give them a foundation that can’t be shaken. You know your children are going to be exposed to many conflicting ideas in school and throughout their lives.  What if you could establish these as their worldview – their mental filters which would help them sort through and reject all the clever deceptions they will be tempted to believe? Wouldn’t that be powerful? And not just for your kids, but for you and I. And new believers! 

See the podcast for the 7 Cornerstone Beliefs and the Activation