Powerful Steps to Christian Transformation in 10 Minutes a Day

How God Restores Your Joy! | Christian Activation

This is a Christian Activation – practical steps you can take to let God restore joy in your life – His joy that is greater than your circumstances.
We live in a world filled with stress, conflict, trials and problems that wear us out and drag us down. Once your joy is lost, how do you recover it?

Today, through scripture we’re going to discover what we can do to let God restore our joy. I’ve tried it. It works!

Early in our marriage, my wife and I had some serious arguments. One went on for days. As I rehearsed the problems in front of us again and again, I grew weaker and weaker. I was listless. It looked so hopeless. Joy was nowhere to be found. We both began to just mope around our home, avoiding each other when possible.

The simple pleasures of life were lost to us. Satan had stolen our joy. In truth, we helped him. A lot.

Finally, we broke out of our pain. We apologized and forgave each other.
Sadness, pain, anger, feelings of rejection and hurt, anxiety and fear, negative emotions steal our strength - our energy. They steal our life.

***The Power of God’s Joy
The Bible tells us in God’s presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). We were created to be creatures of joy. We are wired for joy. Holy Spirit creates joy in us – the God kind of joy. (Galatians 5:22)

Think about how joy affects you. Think of the most recent, outrageously fun time you had with family or friends. Laughter. Stories. Jokes. Fun activities. Remember the joy you felt just enjoying being with them. Now, remember how energized and refreshed you felt after that time. You may have been tired, but your soul was alive with joy.

***Joy is medicine, a tonic for the soul:
Proverbs 17:22 EXB
A happy heart ·is like good medicine [L brings healing], but a broken spirit ·drains your strength [L dries up bone].

Supernatural joy is the answer to much of the mental and physical pain we experience from living in a fallen world.

***God’s Joy is Not Weak Like the Joy of Fallen Man
Human joy is fleeting at best, elusive in the worst times. Human joy comes and goes based on circumstances - what is happening around us and to us and to those we care about.

The fruit the Holy Spirit produces in us isn't fickle, fleeting, even elusive. This joy is Holy Spirit taking the "fullness of joy" from Father's endless supply and releasing it in your life. No human being has this joy - only those who received it from God.

This joy laughs at circumstances. It lifts you above whatever life has thrown at you.

***ACTIVATION – How God Restore Your Joy ? | A Christian Activation

Everything God has for us is made available by faith. We reach out and receive what He so generously provides. Christian Activations are specific steps you can take to activate your faith and receive specific things from God. Today, follow these practical steps to activate your faith to receive joy.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Giving thanks renews our thoughts. Giving thanks takes our minds off of our problems and pain and focuses our thoughts on all the good things in our lives – all the good that God is doing and has done for us because He loves us.

Praying. You and I are not wired or equipped to carry heavy problems, fears, stress, anger or any negative emotion. Dark thoughts hurt us. So what can we do?

Pray 1 Peter 5: 7 (NLT):
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Invite God into your problems and pain. Turn it over to Him. He cares about you. He will help you through whatever you face.
And peace will come to your mind and heart.

Philippians 4:6-8 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

You have given thanks. You have cast your cares on God and He has replaced worry and pain with peace. Now rejoice. Renew your joy. Tell God specific things that you rejoice for.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

The simple truth is that joy is a choice. Ouch! Sometimes, I don’t want to hear that.

We think: “But, I have a right to be upset.” Or “Of course, I’m worried. I should be.” Those thoughts are lies from hell. They will take you to dark places. Get off those trains of thought!!

Renew your mind by giving thanks and praying through problems, and rejoicing.

That is How God restores joy to us no matter what our circumstances.
This Activation is adapted from “What is God’s Secret to Restore Your Joy,” which has been edited for clarity and focus.

See the activation post in the @10MinuteTransformation Community. Get refilled with the Joy of the Lord!