I was stranded, in a Chinese hospital, very ill and weak, and completely broke in 1992. But there I came to know God's compassion and experienced a series of miraculous events that would forever confirm my belief that God will provide for us in our "impossible" situations. What God did…
God created you to touch and transform the lives of the people around you. He will show you who and tell you when. It's a great adventure! Glimmer: YNYSPS9GJEJQ0S59
What is God's plan for me? Everyone wants to know. The answer is in what you do today.
3Simple Questions will lead you into a life of gratitude and transformation. Be a happier person. https://uppbeat.io/t/ilya-kuznetsov/collision License code: 2CMRTZCORWIBPYUD
The Bible says renewing our minds radically transforms us. Neuroscience confirms that!!
King Hezekiah was surrounded by the Assyrian army - 185,000 of them. His army was less than 10,000 men. He prayed. And God did something truly amazing. Pray like Hezekiah!
The purpose of your life begins not with some big plan or goal, but with God’s daily to-do list for you. You get the privilege of nudging people around you with the love of God. Each nudge pushes them closer to God. And helps you hear His voice and learn…
The Key is found in Acts chapter 2. There were 2 questions asked on the day of Pentecost. They will open your understanding of God's Word.
Sharp, stabbing pain grabbed my chest again. I fumbled for a nitroglycerin pill and clumsily placed it under my tongue. My chest spasmed. I squirmed in agony. It was the worst pain I’d ever experienced. Hospital, Beijing. China, January 1992. 16th day. They thought I had a heart attack, but…
Can you imaging what the little boy's life was like after that? Listen till the end - it's about the little boy. And you!!
People will say you're too young or too old. God doesn't say that!
A true story. You're never too young or too old to be used by God to do great things.
Jesus warned us that we will have trouble in this world. But He also said, “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” In John 6:33. God will help you overcome whatever you are facing today. He does that in 3 ways. At the end of this video I will…
Good took a very difficult day and made into something precious. He redeemed my pain and my struggle.
It turns out that gratitude is more powerful than we know.
Sometime the things that change us most are not what we think. If you want to be like Jesus, you need the power of this, working in your life.
We hear voices that tell us we're too old or too young. God never says that!! 5 stories that show God can use even very young or very old people. Satan loves to make people feel useless – too old or too young to do anything significant for God. These…
I went to God this morning fogged in with pain and exhaustion. We met me with joy. For that, I am deeply Grateful. 10 Days of Gratitude to celebrate Thanksgiving.
A study of 5,000 Christians reveals a surprising result: gratitude has more power than we realized.
Neuroscientist, Dr. Andrew Huberman, says that practicing gratitude yields quick results. You will feel the difference in a short time. He also says that there are major, long lasting benefits to practicing gratitude. Between now and Thanksgiving you could do something that can change your life. A study of 5,000…
Today, I going to reveal some things about the power of gratitude to deeply change you that you probably don’t know. Toward the end of the video I will share a powerful activation about how to grow a Grateful heart. A study of 5,000 Christians, revealed the difference between those…
David was an adulterer and a murderer, Paul did everything in his power to destroy Christians until Jesus knocked him off his horse and told him the truth. How about you? Are they exceptions or the rule?
Someone stopped me at church one day and told me a juicy piece of gossip about one of my best friends. That gossip, although false, actually affected the way I thought about my friend. I chased away the snake (the gossiper), but the poison (the lie) remained. God gave me…
Ezekiel prophesied about a time when hard-hearted people would be given new hearts with God's message written on them. Did it come true?